Friday, September 11, 2009

William's Bold and Unfounded Claims: Part 1

Wet Hot American Summer is the Casablanca of our generation.


  1. Ding. Ding. Ding. That was actually the secret blog phrase I was waiting for someone to type to trigger another SAT practice question.

    If Wet Hot American Summer is the Casablanca of our generation, then Harry and the Hendersons is

    A. the Casablanca of our generation.
    B. a common household cleaner used for disinfecting slant rhyme
    C. An attempt to sell Big Foot action figures to children who fantasize about strong man apes in their bed rooms
    D. the Beowulf of our generation

  2. My official answer is D, but I think C is true too. I know that's why I bought all those Big Foot action figures and why I now own Jo-Jo the wonder Ape.
