Saturday, February 14, 2009

Kitty Call for Wojohoski

Dear Alexander Wojohoski,
I fear that you have once again been trapped under the Jewish Community Center Pool by Manveer after losing to him in a calculator tetris match. If you are out there, please answer this kitty call. Otherwise, we will send out the search and rescue and the representatives from Elmer's Glue.
Mister T
P.S. We have taken a step forward in our quest to name a cat after you. Oink.


  1. meow. Sorry, school's been super busy lately.

  2. oh, and what's the step forward in the kitty quest?

  3. Well, we went to look at a kitty-favorable-house-for-rent, but I don't know if it will work out. We might have to go kitty-incognito in our current apartment.
